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Sunday 13 December 2015





This is not exactly like a story written by a writer .This is a diary written by a cute couple Aryan-Nira. This story makes you to believe and understand what is life, love, friendship, fate, family, society???
We never had a habit of writing diary but the day we started writing our diary ....we had an intuition that our life is going to be a lesson for all youngsters about life...
Before entering into my diary please ask these questions to yourself...
Who am I?
Who is the one I need to the rest of my life?
Who is taking care of me without expecting anything in return?
Who has faith in me?
Who is the only person in the world whom I didn’t hide anything?
Who is the one makes me feel happy?
Think for a minute.......
I assure that while reading all these questions sequent, a person definitely might cross your mind. It may be your mother, father, friend, lover, husband/wife, sister/brother or anyone in this world. If not you are the most unluckiest person in the world .The hardest thing to do in this world is to achieve true love from others .Every human must achieve this once in life without that no one can’t fulfil their destination.
Anyway, luck doesn’t knock door twice and also quickly.....So someone is there in the world to take good care of you and also someone in the world is now expecting your love and care. All you have to do is “WAIT” for that person. My best wishes to you to share your rest of your life with your “BETTER HALF…”
If you found that person everything you need in your life can be achieved. This is how I succeeded in my life.
I am sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Aryan, just a middle class boy. I was brought up like every other middle class people facing half day of struggles and half day enjoyment.
Now, you have all my greetings to enter into my diary, sorry ....sorry......our diary.


Today is my college farewell day. I started writing my diary this day because from tomorrow onwards I am going to face the real world outside campus.....
“Oh my God”...
Whenever I had a thought about this I feel alone and an unexplainable fear surrounds me. I never expected that this day will come so soon.
Four years of my college life is passed….
“I can’t believe it happened”.
I barely recognize the memories with my friends and professors. This it shows that I didn’t remember anything about my studies.
What I learnt...No...No...No...What I crammed?
“Oops”...this education system...
Don’t worry, I am not going to fill my diary about our education system because this is not going to change anything. We have to change our life on our own.
Wow, I still remember the farewell days of my seniors. It will be so grandeur. Boy’s wears dhotis and shirt and Girls wears sari both were traditional. I think this is the best costume for both of them because everyone looks good and unique in that.
Friends writes their feelings, wishes, thoughts in the shirts of their friends. I am sure all my seniors are still keeping it with good care. It’s like a safe locker for all our memories…
The only unforgettable thing happened in our college life is “FRIENDS”….
I think it’s getting late my friends woke up and a huge noise surrounds our hostel floor because everyone is dressing and refreshing up.
Boys never be prepared for anything…
I think the word “Last Minute Preparation” is meant for boys…
Everyone is asking for spare dhotis, belts, perfumes…but we always get what we wanted at the last minute at least when we were with friends….Ok, It’s time for me to refresh…
“Oh my god”…I’m looking good in this dress. I never expected this…
It’s true, When I saw myself in a mirror in this I saw a transformation of a jovial boy to a responsible man…I don’t want to be responsible, actually…again that fear surrounds me…this time it’s my belt it’s kind of loose….
Anyway, it’s time to start our celebration. I’ll continue the rest at the end of the day…
Now it’s 11pm…
Our Farewell celebration almost went well…
Just now…we entered hostel room. My friends couldn’t even able to walk on their own. Everyone was drunk and they are hovering…
I too drank but not much. I have to write everything in my mind because this is the last day I’m going to write happiest moments in my life “I Think”…
Let me start from the starting celebration ceremony…
All Final year students gathered in auditorium and our principal starts giving a speech.
Every time he starts giving a speech I used to sleep and play games in mobile phones. Not just me, most of the students do the same thing.
I don’t know why every time they starts a celebration with a formal boring speech. I mean our principal itself was a student once I am sure he wouldn’t listened his principal’s speech .Though he knew the truth he doesn’t want to change it.
This is what our problem is….
But today I want to listen his speech. For god’s sake I want to know what he is speaking every time.
He starts his speech as…
“Do guys know what life is? Do you all think these four years of learning subjects, writing records, assignments, exams, spending time with friends…No…Not at all?
The real life is outside campus…
You can be identified with your roll no. among these 4000 students but once you step out of this campus you have no identity…
It’s hard to create your own identity in this huge world. You have to work hard.
‘Create a path to your goal no matter what happens don’t change it, cross all the hurdles in your path and achieve your destiny’…Achieving our ambition is not a simple thing we have to perspire and still we cannot assure success….but try…try and keep on trying one day you will achieve your destiny…Unless and until you won’t be identified in this world…”, Thank you
The whole floor applauded for his speech…
“Oh my god”…Did he calls this as a motivational speech….freak.
He again created a fear and I feel timid. He is speaking for persons who is having goal.
I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow then what about my identity in the world.
Everyone came out of the auditorium after that. Though I came out from there but my mind still is in his speech…
My friends started celebrating. Girls started taking photos and hugging each other…
Everyone was happy…
Then, the attention of our friends changed towards me they all joined together and they hugged me. I don’t think it as a hug. I feel like I got crushed in a machine but still they mean that hug. I felt happy for that and they wrote all nick names and wishes in my shirt. Then they went to crush another person...
Suddenly a voice came behind me,
“Director Sir”…
As soon as I heard the voice I knew who she was, it’s Nira…My friend.
We both were completed our schoolings together and also we joined our graduation in same college. We were living in same town too…
Hello…”Mother Teresa”.
We both used to tease each other like this. I forgot to mention my skills. I once directed a documentary but it received mixed reviews and then I forgot that topic because it’s just a hobby…
And Nira she is well-talented, generous and service minded girl. She wants to become an activist. She involved in service type of clubs and activities whenever she finds time…
Aryan, you look good in this dress.
Thanks Nira. You look good too.
Why are you sitting alone here…Go and Enjoy with your friends….What happen to you?
Nothing just feeling…weird.
Hey something is there, what happened?
Nothing, I’m just thinking about my life. I don’t know what I’m going to do from tomorrow onwards…
Wow…Director is going to shoot film without having script ha…
I just smiled and I said…
Yeah, I think so…
Forget it Aryan… This is not the time to think about your script. You won’t get this moment ever again in life. So, go and enjoy. I’ll pray for you, everything will be fine…
Thank you, Nira.
It’s ok. When you are going to vacate hostel.
Tomorrow morning, you.
Yeah me too. Then we’ll meet in station if possible…Bye
She’s right. Then I joined with my friend’s gang and we all danced together. I shared my wishes to my friends.
Ever happy and sorrow moments of our college life ends here…
We went to bar to give a perfect finishing to our celebration.
I think this is the last time we all going to celebrate together. So, everyone ordered costly drinks and foods. Everyone drunk too much but I drunk up to a limit and we all came to hostel. My friends are slept now like every time they occupied the whole place in bed I have to sleep in between them.
Everything is over ….My college life, Hostel life ….everything
This is the last day I’m going to sleep in my college.
Its 12am now…
I have to sleep, good night…
I’ll continue my diary after I reached home…



I am spending time just by watching movies and chatting with friends.
Days passed by,
One by one of my friends got job either by reference or by their own. Even some of them joined in BPO companies. Also companies started sending call letters for those who were selected in Campus interview…
Most of our friends got job now. Everyone is busy except me…
The only thing I feared of in my farewell day is happened now….
‘I am alone’.
I convinced my parents by saying that, I’m going to do higher studies. To do that I need one year to prepare for entrance examination.
Then my parents are convinced. But this is just a getaway answer…
I’m not interested in that too…
After a long time I met one of my friend in bus stop…
He called me as soon as he saw me…
Hey Aryan…How are you?
As soon as I saw him I can found out that he got a job.
He dressed up in full formals with tie and shoes. He also wearing an id card which is quite visible to all. Almost he looks like a manager in a company. 
Then I said, I’m fine. How are you man?
I’m fine…What are you, doing?
I’m planning to do higher studies. So, I’m preparing for entrance examinations.
That’s Great...good luck.
Thank you. What are you doing…?
Well, I’m working in a Multinational company.
Though this question feels wrong, I don’t mind at this situation...
I just asked, What about your incentives, man?
Hmm….It’s almost 96000rs per annum…
I was just shocked.
Ok, Aryan. It’s getting late for my work. We’ll meet some time. Bye…
After he went I got a clear vision about what he said it’s 96000 per annum. Which means 8000rs per month.
“Oh my god”…
Why people doing this?  I mean they spent around 6lakh rupees to get B.E degree. Now, with that degree they are earning 8000rs per month. I’m sure if they would’ve invested in bank they might get more interest…
But it’s too late to discuss now. They don’t have choice either. At least he got an identity I’m not even in that position now…


I wrote the entrance exams I didn’t made it up to the level. My parents worried a lot because of my result. But I know it already.
Now, I don’t know what to do…
My dad supports me always right from my childhood days. He didn’t said anything about the result. He just said its ok. You’ll be fine…
He came to my room one day and asked…
What next, Aryan?
What’s your plan?
I don’t know dad. I’ve decided to join a job…
It’s ok…try it with your full effort. You’ll definitely get it.
Yeah, dad.
After that I tried a lot but I didn’t get any job not even that BPO…
One day my called me and gave a job offer letter,
Aryan, take this. My friend is working is as a manager in this company. You have an interview tomorrow, just go and perform. He’ll take care of everything…
I went to that interview. Though I didn’t performed well, I got the job. Now, I understood the real meaning of reference.
It’s a core job. I can’t believe I got a job in a core sector. I mean lot of my friends are dreaming about this job. I think I’m lucky…
Today, I joined job, nothing went well. I’m not interested to work there but I don’t have options either.
It’s almost six months over after I joined job. I didn’t like this job till now.


I hate this life. I’m just working like a machine in machines. I want to shout badly that “I don’t like this job” but I can’t do that. While working in office I’m watching my watch for every one hour till 5pm. I’m eagerly waiting to leave that place because I’m still in a wrong place.
My dad and mom was feeling happy because my life is almost started settling well.
So, I don’t want to spoil that. I just learnt to endure this life and started convincing myself…
But fate doesn’t get convinced…
Our company got heavy loss in market and they decided to fire some employees those who were not fit to work.
Without doubt I’m the one in top of that list but my father’s friend is here. I think he’ll try to do something.
Then, they conducted an assessment test. Like I expected I’m the one who got the lowest score and they fired me from the company.
It’s over… my life in this company was almost comes to an end.
I don’t belong to this place either. I don’t know what I’m capable of and I don’t know how I’m going to face my dad.
I went to home. As usual family drama started but this time it’s quite serious. My started crying along with scolding me. My dad didn’t joined in this. I know it’ll hurt him too much but I can’t do well.
I know my mom she always like this but my dad didn’t said anything this is weird.
I don’t want to convince my mom now. All I want is to say “SORRY” to my dad but he is not ready to face me…
It’s almost three years of my life over after college…


I think I can call this year as a “Marriage year”. Every one of my friends started getting married. I’m just spending time simply by joining in those celebrations and trying for another job.
Whenever I asked money from my mom to attend those celebrations. She keeps on giving me a look that ‘What about you?’…
Obviously I don’t have answer for that and I’m not even interested in that…
Even my friend who is working in call centre was also got married. Though he is not settled well, he is well enough to manage a family.
I feel embarrassed about myself. I think I couldn’t have left that job.
My dad stops talking to me after I left that job. I don’t know how I’m going to convince my dad and also I don’t know what I’m going to do in life…


Days passed by...
I'm spending time just by thinking past memories and future of my life...It's a forgetfulness moments in life...
I'm feeling like a psycho...
My mom worried about me a lot. She don't want me to be like this.
She said Aryan don’t be like this. Go out and enjoy, at least go to a film.
Though she worries about my career she cares me a lot.
So, I decided to go to theatre...
I never went to theatre alone. Every one of my friends are busy in their work. So, I don’t have options, I have to go alone.
I came to theatre...
Now, I’m standing in a queue to buy ticket.
I think I’m the one who is not having job but I was wrong, the crowd is too much...
I think I’m not going to get this tickets either.
Suddenly someone said....
I think the director doesn't need tickets to watch film, its Nira.
"Oh my god". After a long time I met her.
Hey...Nira, how are you?
Hello...Director, I'm fine, How are you?
I think I will be fine.
Will be??? What happen to you? Aryan
It's a long story, leave it...
Hey we have time...
I think we can't get tickets. The crowd is too much...
Yeah, but I do. I have two tickets. I bought it for my friend but she can't come now...
Thank god...I thought I'm not going to get this tickets even.
Okay, let’s go.
We entered into theatre and we sat in middle row of the crowd...
Okay, Director ...Start your script what happened...
Forget it, Teresa.
It's waste of time. You’ll miss this movie...
Aryan, This movie is not important than your life. So, just tell what happened...
I started telling everything happened in these four years...
It's almost one hour of the film is over. In these four years of my life I have only one hour of memories to share that too horrible memories....
After I completed,
She laughed a lot...
And then I said, yeah, I know my life story will be funny to all...
No, I didn't laughed because it’s funny. You are great...
Yeah, don’t you ever read biographies of legends these kind of things only happen to them.
Come on. Be practical...
Of course, I'm practical. See, you have the guts to lose your job. Though you know the value of your job you don't want to work are brave. You have the courage to face life.
Try it your life will change, Aryan...
Try what???...I have nothing...
Try, Directing...
Come on, don’t be silly. This is not the time to mock...
No...I'm not joking. I’m serious, you are good in that...Try it....
No Nira. This is impossible. You knew what happened in college right.
I know but you tried. That’s great...Try it now as a professional...
No way...Nira. This is not going to work.
Ok just answer my questions...
When did people obeyed your orders?
When did you feel you are really appreciated?
When did you achieved something without preparing anything?
Just think and answer... You can find your inherent talent...
Hmm... While I directed a documentary people obeyed me and they appreciated my job. In script writing competition I won first place but I didn't prepared anything for that...
See, this is it...You got that talent. It’s in you...Try it, please.....
I don't know....What to say? Nira.
Okay. You always used to say one thing right....
"I don't have options"...Now you are in that position. You either try your career in this field or simply worry about your life. Take this number. He is my friend's cousin. He is going to direct a film next month. Just show your scripts to him and get job as assistant director.
I'll tell everything about you to him...
Okay, I'll try...
Superb, I need a confirmation.
Yeah, Just stand in the chair and shout aloud that "I WANT TO BECOME A DIRECTOR"...
Hey, are you mad. No we are in theatre...
You said you need identity in the world right...
For that you want me to shout, people will thought that I'm mad...
Maybe, but unique people only gets identity soon...Do something different then you won't forget this moment ever in your life. Do it and get all your memories back...
Suddenly a silent music comes in the film...
She said...Shout,
Then I stood up in the chair and I shouted aloud...
The next moment whole crowd turns towards me and I heard some voices...
And also someone said "All the best"...
She's right. Though it looks funny I feel something good.
The film is over now and we came out of the theatre...
She said, ok...It's getting late. Next time when I see you. I want everyone you call you as a director.
All the best...I'll pray for you, everything will be fine.
Yeah, I'll try...Bye, Mother.
She smiled and said....Bye
She walked away from me, I'm feeling confident...I don't know how I forget her these four years. Whenever I went to edge of my life she's always there to pull me back.
When I entered theatre 'My heart is a clean slate she wrote something in it all of a sudden'...
I really lucky to have a friend like her. Then I went to home. I took all my script papers and I arranged it well. I did some corrections in it too.
It's almost 1 o clock now. After a long time I worked without noticing time.
Tomorrow I'm going to try the last option in my life...
I met Harish. He worked as assistant director for seven years from different directors. He is going to direct a new film next month well-talented and experienced person.
I showed my script to him.
He said, good .You have talent in writing scripts. Even I'll use some scenes in my film.
Thank you, sir...Thank you very much…It’s my pleasure.
Ok...Join as assistant director for my film. Next month I'm going to start a new film. Keep in touch with me...
Thank you, sir...
Good luck. You are welcome...
I feel so excited...After a long time I feel like I am really appreciated because it's my work and it's my effort and creativity....
Even when I got my first month salary in my job. I never felt this much of excitement...
Wow, she’s right. This is what a real achievement is...
I said this to Nira as soon as I went out of the office...
She felt so happy for me....
Then I started working on screenplays of Harish’s film...
Sorry, Sorry our film...
It's almost 10 days to go. I’m going to start my career as assistant director...


Every time when I felt I was happy something arises more than that to screw the moment. My family tired of my activity. They want me to marry my cousin. They found out that I’m trying job in cine field. They don’t want me to spoil my life like this…
Especially my mom. She wants me to marry my cousin because my Uncle is a Landlord. She is his only daughter .So all the assets belongs to me once I marry her and also I have to manage his business in Village…
So mom started arguing with me,
Stop acting like child Aryan…How could you become a Director just like that…
Mom, not a Director … I’m going to work as assistant director…I’ll become a Director one day….
When...Aryan???....What about your life?
Mom…Trust me ….This is my life…They said my scripts are good and I have talent in this field…
Already you wasted four years of your life doing stupid things. Now, all of a sudden you found out that this your life…Grow up…Aryan…This marriage will settle your life in a correct way and you will be safe and happy…please accept...
Mom…No way…I’m not going accept this time…I’m going to join as assistant director whatever it takes…
I didn’t took this argument seriously not this time. I never took arguments with my mom seriously because my dad is always there for me to support on my side. HE believes me…
Suddenly my dad entered into my room…
He said my mom to leave the room…
I felt so happy after a long time my dad came and supported me…
He came near me and he put his shoulder over me and he asked,
How are you, Aryan?
I’m fine dad…
Aryan…You know that I’ll always choose decisions for your goodness…
Accept this marriage proposal…This is all for your good…
I was shocked…Next moment I couldn’t stand there…
I don’t know why…whenever I feel like I’m happy something happens more than that to screw my happiness…
I took my bike and I came to a park which is 20kms away from my home. I used come here whenever I want to hide my tears and I feel alone…
This park has a quiet and ambience atmosphere. No one visits this park because it’s too old…
God…Why this is happening to me…?
At least you would’ve showed this proposal before a year I could’ve accepted it easily…But now you showed my talent along with a problem….
I couldn’t stand in my home.
Whenever I did stupid things my dad is always there to ask…
What next…Aryan?
What are you going to do…?
He has faith in me. He believes that his son will succeed in life one day…But the next moment my dad asked me accept for marriage…I saw his eyes he lost faith on his own son…
How do you feel…The last man in the earth has faith in you is gone…I’m feeling like dying…
I don’t know what I’m going to do?
Whenever I lost something I feel supportive because my dad is there for me…
But now everything is over….
When I felt all this, tears started in my eyes unknowingly….After a long time…
Then, I felt there is a eyes on me…I don’t know but someone is also in the park now…I turned my head towards that, a girl turned her vision towards me the next moment…It’s Nira…
She too broken into tears I can see that…
The next moment we both wiped our tears off…
I don’t know how I forgot her…I should’ve called her first after this incident…
She came near me and sat in the chair….
We kept silent for some time...
She asked, 
How are you…? In a mild voice
Yeah…I’m fine.
How are you…? I asked
She said …yeah good.
And again we started maintaining silence…
I don’t know how I can share this with her because she feel so bad. She helped for my career but it’s all going to end now…
Even if I ask about her problem she’s is going to ask mine…
Let’s stop pretending like we were fine….she said louder…
I just smiled…
What happen…? Aryan
Seriously don’t ask this time. It’s a big family issue. Forget it. What happen to you?
Hey, this is not fair…We always felt that “our problem is greater than anyone’s” …
So tell that to me I can easily find a solution because I’m not in your position…
Ok…I’ll tell…
Then I said everything…
Like every time,
She laughed a lot this time too….
I know my life story will be funny to all. At least it wiped your tears off completely, I’m happy for that …
She stopped smiling…I think she starts remembering her problem…
Aryan…This is amazing…
Nira…please don’t start your lecture that I’m unique this will only happen to legends…
Okay….Okay….This will not happen to legends…This is a normal problem…
Normal???I’m going to getting married…Do you think this is normal…
Why can’t you continue your career after marriage?
No…that’s impossible. I have to stay in village…
Ask your uncle atleast one year time and then you can prove your talent…
My uncle is a dictator type. He accepted this marriage only because that I’m going to stay in village along with the family….
You said your dad is jovial to you right…Tell this to your dad. I think he may understand it…
No…That is the reason I’m here now…Marriage is not only my problem, my dad…
He lost his faith on me….
So…what next, Aryan…?
Nira…What did you said?
What next…? What…?.She asked surprisingly…
Nothing….I don’t know……
What is your plan about your marriage life, Aryan….Do u want to marry a heroine after became a director ha…?
No, I never planned anything about my marriage life. I don’t want to involve in normal life by spoiling my ambition.
Don’t worry we’ll find some solution for your problem…
It’s ok. What happen to you? Why are you feeling sober…?
Same here, Aryan…Marriage issues.
Wow…amazing. Actually I thought the same, even a boy at 26 age has marriage issues. How could you be an exceptional…What is your problem in that?
You know I want to become an activist. Being an activist I can’t indulge in family activities and I can’t be with the family ever.
I can’t understand this…Nira. You want to service people but you are hesitating family life…
This doesn’t mean that I don’t like being with family. If I sacrifice my life I can save lot of families. I want to start an NGO organization and service whoever in need. Especially refugees, do u know how they are struggling each and every day in life?
It’s hard to explain that, Aryan. I decided to sacrifice my life for them. I found a solution for their problem. ”Once the world is ready to hear, what I’m saying I can their lives”.
Wow... you're amazing. I never seen a girl like you. I mean not even in books.
Oh please, don’t exaggerate, ok. Actually, ‘our normal life sucks more than my ambition’.
Yeah...true. I think someone might understand your ambition. Can you ever gave a try?
Try...???... A guy proposed me in front of my family... I said about my ambition and I said I can't bear a child and I won't stay with you ever. Will you marry me.....?????
I laughed a lot. ‘Oh my god’..... Is this the way you talked in front of your family.
Then, what did he said....?????
What do you expect...???? He said, then, why the hell I will marry you?
Then, I said...... you better “Go to hell"...
Awesome... I think you are the really brave one. 
So, what is the solution for your problem???? Nira....
That you have to say because it’s my problem.
Ok.... I think you can manage both family and your ambition because you are talented, brave and optimistic.
May be that's possible but I can't fulfil my ambition. Do you think mother tears could’ve saved millions of child? If she had a family...
True... we'll figure out some solution, don’t worry…
It’s about 10 minutes over... We both kept silent.
I thought a lot about her problem and my situation both of our problem is marriage. The society won't accept those who were not married, especially our family. They were worrying a lot about our life. All they need is we have to marry and start a normal life.
I’m asking lot of questions to myself???...
“Is there any solution for my problem????? 
Is there anyone in the world who can understand my situation????? 
Is there anyone who can help me?” 
The answer is no one.....
Suddenly a solution flashed in my mind...
The only person who understand my problem now is Nira... Same for her too. Both of our problem is marriage.
Why can't we marry....????? Yeah, that's a good solution.
Oh, no.... what Nira is going to think about this solution. She might feel bad about me. But we don't have options. So either she thinks badly about me or not I want to give a try. So I am going to ask this to Nira. 
The next moment I saw her eyes. She looked at me, I can feel she is nervous too like me. She is rubbing both of her hands nervously......  
I think she also found some solution but she is nervous to ask that.....  
Then I motivated myself and I took a deep breath and I looked at her... 
She looked me. We both looking each other without blinking....
I asked
"Will you marry me"????? 
“Will you marry me"?????
I heard the same thing what I said...... it’s Nira. She asked the same thing.
"Oh my god"!!!!!......
She thought the same way I did...... we both giggled.
She said, Wow. 
This what true friendship ha. We both thought a solution in the same way...
Yeah, we will marry. This is a good decision. Actually it’s a great decision. Our life going to get struck because of this family drama. So, we will create our own drama.
Wow... great idea, Nira.
Yeah, idea is great. How we are going to make it to work. Do you think our parents will accept for this...????
Actually, my parents tired of telling me to marry. All they need now is I have to marry and start a normal life. So it’s quite easy in my family, I think.
But, my mom planning this marriage for me because of assets and also she wanted to bind our relationship well. I can't find the real motive of my dad behind this marriage....
So, what can we do???....
There is a universal solution for our problem......
Love!!!..... She asked surprisingly.
Yeah, we will tell our parents, that we are in love and we want to marry.......
Just like that... 
Yeah, just like that.....
No, don’t you see. You have a big hole in your script.
They won't believe just like that. They never have a doubt on me about these things. Now, all of a sudden if I say I’m in love with a boy. They won't believe.......
That you leave it to me. I will write a perfect drama for our marriage.....
So, we are going to marry... (She is blushing). I'm so excited Aryan. I can't believe I find a solution to this problems...
Yeah, me too...
What sort of relationship will it be????....”MARRYING A FRIEND”
I don't know. We will figure this out later but we have to plan properly or else everything will be collapsed...
It’s getting late I didn't even informed where I'm going?? To my mom...
Yeah.... me too. Okay, now go to your home. We have to complete step by step of our plan...

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