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Saturday 12 December 2015

BEST SUICIDE ( A story for engineers )

A mechanical engineering student decided to quit his life.
His dad chosen his every decisions in his life. Though he felt hard on some decisions, he believed his father. He thought that he'll become a great person one day....

So, Right from his childhood days he scarified all his little enjoyments for studies.
His dad joined him in engineering college.
He said that, " son this is all for your good, mechanical engineering has a bright scope in future, you'll be great engineering one day"...

But things changed when he entered college. They let his hands free. On the other hand he found out how education system ruining student’s life...

That is out of every 120 students in his college batch only 60 are getting job but 120 students dreamt about the same job. Though they knew the amount of vacancies in field still the system allows more students to study engineering...
So, he decided to enjoy college life....
At last he became like what he thought,

An “Unemployed literate”,

He can’t endure this pain. He didn’t know whom he want to blame for this,

His dad? or

His college? or

Our education system? or


But he is sure about one thing. The victim is “HIM”…

Though he got some small scale jobs he can’t work there just like a machine. He believed that he’ll become a great person. Even if he studied well someone in his college was going to fill his position…

Everything is over…
He thought he can’t change his life, now. He almost shattered the dreams and faith of his parents on him. So, he decided he had no reasons to live…

He had two last wishes in life…
 1.His death mustn’t hurt anyone.
 2.He want his suicide to be best.

Because he was the one sole responsible for this decision. So, he didn’t want anyone to get hurt for this and also he never done anything best in his life. So, he want his suicide to be best.

He thought lot of ways to suicide but nothing suits the best way he expected…
Hanging to death, slit the throat with knife, taking poison, over dose of sleeping pills... everything was outdated and simple.
He want a best death. But he forgot his first wish, “his death mustn’t hurt anyone". If he dies his mom and dad definitely going to get hurt. So, he thought to hide his death from his parents. So, he wrote a letter to his parents,

“Dear mom and dad,
                          Goodbye, I don't have the guts to say this in front of your eyes that's why i wrote this letter. I almost shattered the faith you both had in me and my dreams. Dad, always wants me to be a best person but I'm not. I knew how much efforts you both put to brought me up but I can't fulfil your dreams.
I'm sorry…, dad.
I can't endure this pain, mom. It’s over, I can’t fulfil your dreams, now. It’s too late.
I'm not living my life, I'm just surviving. I don't want to be like this. Especially not in front of you. I'm leaving you. Don't search me ever again in life. Please believe that I'll live a good life somewhere else in the world. I'll come back for sure when I became what you expect. I never took any decisions alone in my life. But the decision I took this time was all for our greater good.
Bye, mom....Bye, dad...If you want something to do to me ‘please don't cry for me, I'll be fine’... “  

Even though this might hurt them, he thought if they had a belief that his son was living somewhere else in the world they’ll get convinced. Then, he left home…

He decided how to quit his life. He decided to dive from a dangerous cliff in the world and to experience something new in life.
He went to that place and he stood at the edge of the cliff. Now, he could see the beauty of the whole world. He never thought that his life would end up like this. He just looked down to feel the abyss of the cliff it’s almost felt like the end of the earth but he didn’t felt the fear because he had gone through more depth of humiliations than this in his life.
He spread his legs wide and stretched his arms to feel the wind and breeze. He jumped slightly…

Suddenly he heard a noise, (group of people coming to that place)
They were adventurers. They were trying for Guinness record to dive from this cliff and land by parasailing. No one ever did this. So, three great divers came to do it at that day. Also, many people came there to see that great record. He joined with them.

First person dived from there and he couldn’t open the chute properly because that cliff is too dangerous with dense atmosphere. So, he almost landed horribly. No one knows what happened to him. Then the other two of them feared to dive.
Then he came from the crowd and he said “I’ll dive”…

But no one accepted but at last he convinced everyone and he decided to dive this time with the help of parachute. He had no plans on Guinness records all he want is to die. They explained the procedure how to use that chute and he stood at the edge of the cliff this time. Everyone around there applauded him for his death. This type of death was what he wants. But unfortunately he didn’t died he opened the chute at proper time and also he landed properly. Maybe he luckily landed properly but he didn’t had a bit of fear in his heart that was his talent and that is the real reason behind this achievement.

At last he saved the first diver he had badly injured and also his record was registered in Guinness. He became a one of best adventurous diver in the world.
Finally, he went to his home because he became like what they expected. He started his career as an adventurer. He lived with his family happily ever after…
                   Don’t think it’s too late, now. Nothing’s ever late. Live your life for your dreams. Don’t hesitate to change your foot steps to follow your dreams. Also don’t forget to watch your steps careful. Something is in you and some destination was already written for you. “Find it and fight for it “. You’ll be the best person.
                   HAVE A NICE LIFE

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